Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Less Money, Still More Problems

There was a time in my life where holding a ten peso bill meant that I can buy a lot of stuff already. I could buy all the food that I want to eat. As a kid, all I ever bought was toys found at the stores outside our school and foods from the canteen. Life was good, I thought my life was not that hard with a 10 peso bill in my hand. So when I ask my classmates how much is his baon daily, he said "20 pesos". I asked another classmate, and she said "50 pesos". From there on, I realized I'm a poor kid.

Note, I was a mere Kinder that time. Imagine having that same allowance 'till 2nd year high school. Yep, I grew up learning to save money so I could buy stuff. I would sacrifice anything just for the sake of having the chance to buy something. Because of that, I learned to walk from school going home because I used my money to buy some cards. I wouldn't eat merienda for days just for the sake I could buy a toy. I wouldn't spend my entire allowance for the week, just so I could play at internet cafes for at least an hour at Friday or Saturday. I wouldn't buy food for the day because I prefer to buy ice cream (which if you could complete 4 sticks that has the letters K-I-M-Y, you win a Gameboy Advance). For the sake of wanting something, I have to go through a little (or mostly a stupid) sacrifice just so I could get what I want.

But it wasn't that much hard because my mother would make me bring lunch or a little snack for merienda. Still, having 10 pesos was still hard. I could remember that I have to sacrifice badly two weeks just so I could buy a monthly issue of K-Zone (75 pesos). Things got better when I transferred to Ateneo. My allowance increased from 10 to 20 pesos. Jeep fair isn't included and I still have my own snack and lunch. I know I'm quite poor compared to my Ateneo classmates, but surprisingly, when it comes to playing video games or eating with them, I still had the money to level with them. Not getting to spend your 100 pesos weekly allowance could save you up a lot for at least a day or two of full money-spending activities.

Nevertheless, I was a poor man, limited to stuff that is only a necessity. I couldn't buy stuff anymore. As much as I save, there aren't enough. And I wasn't a kid that asks money from their parents. No, I learned in a young age that everything I ask from my parents they won't give all the time. It was a turning point actually, I learned to depend on myself in terms of money. College came and finally, 80 pesos everyday seemed to be okay. But still, I needed to compromise stuff so I could just compensate with my low allowance. After four years of balancing expenses due to constant playing of video games, requirements, group projects, and more costly "We will collect money for..." from my classmates, I still survived. But of course, I had a lot of financial problems, and my little "business" was the only thing that saved me. My classmates paid me money to make their assignments and requirements. It was actually quite a good business though, didn't save that much, but let's just say, I have money every freaking all the time.

So here's the thing. All my life, I have always had a very small allowance. And through proper saving and hard work, I always had the money to survive. Hey, I even got to buy stuff already for my own without depending on my parents. So what's the hoolah all about? Up to this day, nothing changed.

Nothing ever change between me and money. Oh yeah, so why the heck do I complain when I just said how I survived that kind of dilemma you asked? Because that is it, nothing changed. I'm sick and tired of still having to face financial problems even though I'm just a simple guy with a very very simple allowance. I always believed with the term "Mo' money, Mo' problems". So, shouldn't I have less problems since I have less money? Well, in this case, no, I guess it doesn't apply. I'm just frustrated because at this moment, I have zero money. Why? My parents borrowed it from me. It's not like I could have said no, because my father really needs the money to but a new LCD for his cellphone that he accidentally broke. Money is needed since its an important stuff, but really, leaving me with a zero account? The money borrowed isn't that big, but it was already plenty of money for me. I feel like I could face the world since I have enough money. But now, I feel like a homeless man. What's worst, my allowance really is just 50 pesos per day. Since my review is only half-day, it has stayed that way. I couldn't squeeze a little money from my allowance because it's so small. The sad thing even is that my mother miscalculated the bills, that she couldn't give me another 50 pesos for this Saturday's class. And the worst and worst part of it all, it might be a while before my parents could replace that money.

But what could really pissed me out more, is the fact that its just really a small amount. That small amount, and they needed to borrow it up from me? My only savings, my only money, they had to borrow it? What could be the most worst money problem you could ever had, and I have it, having no money at all. I could go on and fret about how my parents never pushed their careers to the point where they could have lots and lots of money but I'll stay to keep it to myself. It's just that, I can't help not get mad and be dissapointed with them. We ain't rich, were just simple folks, but you got to be kidding me that we still get financial problems to just small problems. If they had great jobs, this problem could have been just an easy fix, heck, my father would have brought a new phone.

I sometimes wish life was the same when I was still in Kinder. I have a small amount of money, but I couldn't care. I could buy stuff, anything I desire. My simplicity made that small amount of money enough for me. But once you realize the money other people have, the needs that you actually have, the needs you can't have but getting to see others fulfilling theirs, you look at your small amount of money and you realize, you got problems. You actually got lots of them.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nth MS Overkill

Me: What do you think is the secret in getting the right answers in a MS test?
Friend: Anatomy and Physiology. Just consider the normal turning abnormal and you'll know.
Me: Ahhhh.....(great, I really need to understand that?!)
Me: How do you end up knowing what drug to be administered?
Friend: I just remember stuff.
Me: So I guess I really need to read the Pharma book again.
Friend: No, not really, just know the basic stuff.
Me: Nah, I'll read the book again. Maybe around the long break.
Friend: Yeah.
Me: (great, I have to really read drugs again.)

I guess I could say that in every nurse that likes one thing from the whole Nursing concept, one nurse would end up hating it. Ironically to me, I hate one of the most favorite concept of majority of the nurses. Ironically, I hate the most important concept there is on the side of the Philippine nursing. Medical-Surgical freaking shit. Or shortly known as MS....freaking shit.

I hate MS one way or another. I never liked it, and in a way, it never liked me too. Me and MS? We just never look straight in the eye. I could still remember the 1st MS exam I took. The whole Medical-Surgical Concept was interesting at me at first. The whole Peri operative stuff, members of the surgical team, consent and what not, trust me, I felt it was easy. But I never really understood at first the whole "MS concept.". I didn't realized back then that MS was more than what is happening on the Surgical room, it also deals with every freaking illness and diseases, and how to deal with them. And oh, the reactions inside the body and drugs too. I was quickly shock as I took my 1st MS exam. I felt lost, I didn't knew what I was answering. My mind had no idea what to choose from the options. Still, I finished it with confidence. At that point, I haven't really failed in a major way to my major exams. If I fail, still maybe 50% above. Oh boy, rationalization came and reality gave a big smack on my head. 36/100. That was the lowest score I ever got in an exam in my entire life.

I guess to be able to graduate in nursing meant that I did good enough to graduate. Yes, in a sense there were times I had to have my teachers to save my ass, regardless, I did what I needed to do to pass. I studied even when I don't study too much to get the passing rate. But if there is one thing I haven't accomplish during my college years, that is passing an MS exam. From 3rd year to 4th year, I failed all my MS exams. Every time I did my best and focus hard, the highest I only got was a mere 50/100.

Earlier this day, we had our MS Post-test at the review. I scanned a little on my notes, and I readily took on the test. I know that MS is my weakest concept, so I was just looking forward to get at least 50%. Rationalization went well, I started by getting the correct answers, but as usual, rationalization became more of a torture as it went along. I though I had the right answer, but no, its only the 2nd best answer. I though I rationalize well, but no, I rationalized wrong. As I looked to my friend's paper, I wasn't really quite surprise. Again, my friend is smart, but how the heck can't I even compensate on getting some questions correct? And so, MS overkilled me again. Score was so low, I went home with a cold look (and despite sitting beside a hot chick, I couldn't even feel funky).

In many ways, I have always find MS to be inappropriate for the entire nursing repertoire. First and foremost, it's all about diseases. Isn't it the doctor's responsibility to know these diseases? Aren't we nurses just suppose to learn the procedures and other nursing stuff that nurses should only do? In other countries, the nursing course is only limited to learning the nursing procedures. But no, MS takes the nursing in the Philippines into another level. That is why nursing in the Philippines is quite something. But I don't know, never have been keen about it. Before college, I always thought nursing was just about learning what nurses do, that's why it was kind of a shock to me to find out I have to learn all the diseases, its manifestations and nursing responsibilities. Nsg. responsibilities I can understand, but knowing more about the disease? Too much.

And unlike other concepts, my stock knowledge regarding MS isn't that quite rich. You give me an exam about the other concepts, more or less, I could get 50% without studying. Because the other concepts seem to be fix already. CHN? It's a short process, and even if you have to read a lot about COPAR and IMCI, it could sometimes be just basic knowledge already. Funda? Just learn the different procedures and how they must be done ideally. Psychia? Just know the background of all psychiatric illnesses, the drugs, and how you are suppose to do deal with psychia patients. LMR? Just study the jurisdiction, the research concept, and you are all set. MS? Just study the drugs and know the right nursing interventions to be done in every disease.

Ok, maybe it's just me. MS could be easy if I would just study hard. But I don't know, my brain just won't be stimulated to study MS. I still got enough time to study, but if I can't even get 50% without studying, then I guess its one long studying I guess. One thing about MS is that it's a huge concept, you don't really have that much idea what will come out in the exam, that's why you just have to study a lot. Well, as much as I want to rat out more, I still have a LMR exam tomorrow. For now, I must concentrate on passing that exam. But one way or another, if I want to became a professional nurse, I must pass a MS exam. Along the way, passing a MS exam isn't required, its a necessity.