Saturday, April 4, 2015

Bloggin' with Noel Yulo 50th Post Special: Top 10 Posts of All-Time

5 years. 50 posts. [Insert punchline here. Can't think of any].
Can't really tell if it's an achievement, but hey, it's something.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my name is Noel Yulo and I am proud to welcome you to my 50th post in my Bloggin' with Noel Yulo blog!!! (Hooray?) So after five years of writing in my personal diary blog, I am proud and happy of reaching such achievement that a lot of bloggers out there would probably be laughing just to see how slow I write. I guess a lot of writers out there probably had their 50th post as early as within two months but not a lot can say that they made 50 posts, let alone a blog, within five years (yes I am a proud degenerate writer), so kudos to me!

I don't really know how to start this one off as I can't even tell if having a 50th post is monumental or not (probably should have waited for 100). All I can say is that this blog of mine has indeed stood the test of time. Not to mention getting 17,000+ views is already something to uphold. But to give you guys a quick history, I started this blog way back 2010. I used to blog in Friendster and Multiply but due to the rapid change of social media (new gets old, old gets retired), I had to find a new place to blog. After some thorough research (or googling best blog sites), I was able to stumble upon Blogger and since then I have mainly blogged on this site. I have a Wordpress and Tumblr blog but I write here more often since it came first (and I only get to be funny here, which I'm not even sure is funny). 

Honestly, when I started this blog, my motives were to plainly write the thoughts in my mind, to the point where it seemed like a personal diary of sorts. Later on, it became a tool for me to share my experiences to other people and hoping that it can help them if they have the same messed-up scenarios as I have. I've also used this blog of mine for "personal reasons" (which mainly focused on my love life) and from there has became a constant reminder of how I was back then. So to celebrate my 50th post, I have decided to look back (or read again) my 49 posts and decided to rank the top 10 best posts ever. I'll be providing insights and comments on my previous posts and hopefully give you an idea how I was back then (inspired or deranged, either of the two). Ranking this list is based plainly on the importance of the topic to me, the way it was written, and pretty much the overall impact it has created in my life (which I doubt I'll be able to provide). 

Without further ado (click the title to pop that post up), here are the top 10 posts of Bloggin' with Noel Yulo (WARNING: It is going to be a long read):

10. The One That Started It All

I can't make a Top 10 list without mentioning my first post ever! It was way back 2010, during this time I was still having my review for the Nursing board exam (and why I didn't have 100% focus). During this time, I had an itch to write since I haven't done it for quite some time. I spent my college life writing reflection papers and my classmates' reflection papers that it made me realize how I miss sharing my "life" to the world. I was mainly blogging at Friendster blogs and Multiply (links no longer available) but it never really got a "big time" blog feel to me so I chose to write where most people write (well, most people actually buy domain names, can't afford one). This one is memorable because this is what started it all for me (or started AGAIN for me. I'm a second life-r blogger).

9. My First "Letter" Post

Ahhhh, love. Makes you do things that you normally wouldn't do but you got to if you want to keep your special someone. I normally write here to express my personal thoughts. However, since it was our 6th monthsary at that point, I have to do something romantic so why not go use my blog right (ya cheap bastard)? To show my love and affection to my girlfriend, I decided to write her a letter because 1. Letters are romantic (I'm an old-fashioned guy), 2. I have a bad hand writing (I'm a nurse that writes like a doctor), and 3. It is quite a hassle to make a letter (I'm an old-fashioned new trend guy?). This was quite special because I haven't written anything here about her. Though I had to do a lot of editing to avoid exposing her in the world wide web, this post involved a lot of memories and feelings that we both share (ahhhwww). But, again, due to our circumstances, probably the last (awwwhhh).

8. The Time I Believed Soulmates Are Real

Don't want to go with the details with what happened to us but to give you guys an idea - I felt that I met my soulmate with her (and another possible heartache). On our first date together, I got to learn about a lot of things, or should I say, similarities that we both share. But alas, things didn't work out as she was still in love with her ex, which eventually didn't work out, then I tried again, but she was already seeing someone (toughest New Year's Eve ever). Now, at this point I have written a few poems already to the girls I was in love with, but this one I made for her was quite special because despite the fact that she rejected me, I was totally okay (but was filled with a lot of regrets). I didn't take it hard unlike the past and in a way we're still cool (cool as in friends in Facebook). Do I still believe in soulmates? Well, after her not anymore, but in a good way.

7. My NLE Board Exam Journey

If there is one thing that dominated my first year blogging here in Blogger was my time reviewing, failing, and finally passing the board exam. In any way or thought that I have, I will not fail to post it. I actually have several posts about my journey but good thing past Noel placed links of my posts on this one super final post (which thank God finally ended). The journey for me has been tough because while I was having my review, I was having doubts with myself. And even with the doubts, I wasn't totally focus with my review which led to my demise. Then with everyone passing, I had to carry a huge load of weight just to get over the challenge of retaking the board exam (while I was a working to earn money). Overall, to God's guidance, I was able to get rid of the anchor off my shoulders. It was a great victory like no other and my journey is a testament that anything can happen through Him.

6. The Time I Wrote In Tagalog

Don't worry, I won't write in Tagalog for this one (pero ang saya kasi eh!). I've always loved our national language, but English was the one that I believed that will take me places (so far not yet). So, ever since I started to write and speak (at school, because I was arrogant), English was the medium that I wanted to be good at. And in ways, I think I have accomplished my goal. But when I laid upon my eyes on this man's blog, I instantly wanted to try it out myself. In a weird feeling, I've never had so much fun writing on a particular post. I don't know, I guess it is because Tagalog is my natural language and that it was easy for me to be funny (I believe) in Tagalog medium. Though it is my first time to write one, it certainly won't be the last (kasi feel ko na marami pa akong Tagalog na masasabi!)

5. The End Note Of A Year Long Depression

There's a lot of ways on how I can put a title for this particular event. To put it this way, I was deeply in love with this girl. Actually with all of them but with her, it came with an extra sweetness and bitterness (but not in a "I was bitter way", more of "Too much pain" way). Again, don't want to put that much details between us but when I told her all my feelings and asked if she could be my girlfriend, I pretty much got my first rejection, ever, in the face. It sucked, knowing it took me a year to recover, but in a way that experience taught me a lot of things. And when I decided to write a poem for her (which would become trend every end of the year for three years), I was able to really make a deep poem which covers how my love transpired and how it came to a halt. If I was still single now, this would rank a little bit higher, but I should stop right here before I say too much "bottled up" thoughts, hehe.

4. That Christmas Special About Being Born In Christmas

I always consider my December posts to be "special", especially when it talks about Christmas. And while during the time I made this post, I already have two (one about being depressed on Christmas), I decided to actually talk about how it's like to be born in Christmas. That thought has been with me since my younger days but it took me some 20 years to actually write it down (and probably because I read somewhere about the same topic). It was quite nice because I got to take an in-depth look on how it's like to be a "Noel", and pretty much became my best Christmas special so far.

3. The First Ever "First Anniversary"

Just like my posts about the NLE Board exam, this post serve as a culmination of my first year together with my girlfriend. It also serves as a place for me to share the beginnings of our relationship up until our first year together. And while I opted to go for flowers and gifts for our second anniversary, I can't help but consider this as one of my finest works here in Bloggin' with Noel Yulo. I'm not being bias and at the same time not doing this to just make my girlfriend feel special but to say that this post is important to me because at some point I'll get old (and will probably lose all my memories), at least I have a stronghold, a remembrance, on how my first relationship came to be (a touching story, contact me if you want this to be a movie).

2. The First Collaborative Blog

Having a collaboration blog was something I have always planned to do. And while these two folks who I got to share this post with weren't my first option to write with, I got to say that we probably made something really special here. 286 Views!  That pushed my total site views to 17,000+! A remarkable achievement that wouldn't be deemed possible without my two co-trainers, Pal Domanais and Alma Rhea Alojipan. This post was special because it features three people with different styles and personalities, and shared funny and witty POVs (Point of View). I, personally find this post really fun and entertaining to make and read. Though it is quite long, but anyone who can read long stuff will definitely like this collaboration. And oh, did I mention it produced a sequel and with a third one already on the way (hopefully I can insert the link here soon). But with this post, it only makes it possible for me to collab with other bloggers out there.

1. The One That Sink In Hard

I mentioned earlier that Bloggin' with Noel Yulo serve to be a tool for me to be funny (though again isn't proven), but there were times in which I wasn't. Though I have another blog which is quite focus on serious stuff, I wrote something here three years ago that is a reflection on how hard it was for me back then to cope up with life. I was still a call center agent during this time. Though already a board passer, I felt that I was punishing myself in a job that I really didn't want and be in a position where I didn't want to be (because I wanted to be a nurse dammit!). And through it all, I survived, but during this time, I felt I was going to explode. I was having a "21-year old" life crisis and I felt that if I can't find a resolution, I will become a madman (a madman I tells ya!). There were just so much weight put into this that it didn't only focus with one aspect of my life, it focused on three (but a lot when you slice it up). Out of all the posts that I have written here, this is my #1 as not only it reflects my personal side, but also shows that I am only human, vulnerable even when I have been strong before (hopefully this part isn't too serious for you, laugh!).


So there you go, my Top 10 posts so far here in Bloggin with Noel Yulo. If you are reading this, whether you are a newcomer or nah, I just want to personally say THANK YOU for taking a time of your life reading about someone else's life. I know it is quite a long post (but what's new really), but if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be writing anymore. Or maybe I would still be writing but with less motivation, (because all of you give meaning to my life!). I am not getting paid to write, nor I plan to write to get paid (because I don't know how to write professionally), but as long people read my stuff and I get to share my thoughts (and wisdom?), that is good enough for me. After 50 posts, definitely looking forward for more posts to come. As long as I can write about something (and trust me there is always something to write about), Bloggin' with Noel Yulo will live forever!!!

I'm glowing inside because of you.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

That Thing Called "Katangahan": How NOT to be stupid this Love Month (featuring Pal and Alma)

Hey there! Before I start I just want to welcome everyone to my first ever "collab blog" or collaboration blog in which I will be featuring other people to write in my blog. Of course, we will be talking about a particular topic and pretty much just give insights that can hopefully help you in some way. For this post I'll be featuring my two co-trainers, Alvin "Pal" Domanais (you can check his blog at and Alma Rhea Alojipan (check hers in For starters, kindly introduce yourselves!

My name is Pal.

An amateur, self-taught dilettante who formerly owns a blog written in Tagalog medium. I'm currently busy with other hobbies so you might not be able to see my blog as updated as this one owned by Noel. Since my wit only shows in my tongue, I'll be contributing articles in Tagalog after this intro.

When asked what my blog site is.

My name is Alma Rhea and I say Hi! :)

I'm not really into writing. I don't know how to write but I love to read. Read, read and read, makes sense. Oh well, currently I am busy mending my broken heart since I'm following a thread of being brokenhearted every 5 months! Isn't it amazing? I'm not quiet sure though how long will be I writing on this blog but I think you'll see me often. I'll write about anything, anything that I can remember.


And there you go, my good friends at work, Pal and Alma. Alright! Let's get this show going. Now, as we all know, February has been known as "The Love Month". I prefer to treat it as another month but hey, tradition right? And most people for this month get crazy, for good and mostly bad reason.

A: Being crazy is an understatement! February! Love month! Hated by singles and loved by those who are in a relationship(like duh!). Nothing lasts forever, #reality check(insert bitterness here). 

With that being said, we here "self-proclaimed" love gurus are going to teach you kids stuff about how to have a better February. This goes both to single and "doubles" out there because no one is safe from the love bug and love has been known to make you do stupid things, right Alma?

A: I'm not quiet sure Noel, as far as I can remember I never did something stupid because of LOVE. I see to it that I take control, and no I don't need you to say anything(wink). I've seen a lot of people crying over a lost love, regretting past relationships and people wishing for another chance. Saying this I feel like I would be of a great help specially on this month!

So without further ado, here are some things you can take note of to avoid getting stupid or do anything "katangahan" this month:

1. February is February. It is just another month.

Let's start with the obvious. People get crazy when February comes. And you may be able to find a lot of reasons why but the obvious one being is that everyone is celebrating St. Valentine's birthday (I think that's the origin of it). But to be specific, this is when Valentine's day is celebrated, on the 14th to be specific (don't know why they just make it on the 29th). Now, tradition has it that on St. Valentine's feast, couples show their affections by giving flowers, expressing oh-so poetic messages and handing out greetings cards (pretty much stuff your grade school teacher made as an assignment back then). And with that, people just got an idea on marketing love and thus we see hearts everywhere. But reality is, February is just another month. It's just the second month of the year. Most likely you haven't really started your new year's resolution to get fit so might as well start on that one now (guilty as charge, don't judge me).

P: Noong bata ako, ipinagtataka ko kung bakit madalas ay hanggang 29 lang ang petsa sa kalendaryo pag-dating ng Pebrero. Noong itinanong ko to kay ermats, sabi niya lang na ang buwan daw ng Pebrero ay para sa mga kulang-kulang na tao. Si Kris Aquino ang una niyang ibinigay na example - hindi na ako humirit.

Hindi ko sigurado kung sino ang nagpa-uso ng Valentines na yan. Mula kasi Kinder ako, puro pag-gupit lang ng art paper na pula (na hugis puso) ang inaatupag naming magkaka-klase kaya akala ko ay titser ko lang ang nag-imbento ng Valentines. Pinagdodrowing niya din kami noon ng post-cards para sa Valentines. Tangina, sino ba yang Valentines na yan? Kinder pa lang kami, puro kalandian na agad ang pinapagawa sa amin. Dinaig pa ng titser ko si Marcelo Santos III.

Sa ngayon, ang alam ko lang ay ma-trapik na lansangan, at sari-sari ang mga promo sa motel kapag ganitong buwan.

Sa Pasay, may libreng manok at pansit kapag lumagpas ka ng 6 hours kapag Feb 14. Sa Cubao naman, bukod sa FREE WIFI, libre mo ding makikita ang mga killer bus at mga isnatcher na mabilis tumakbo kapag sumilip ka sa bintana ng kwarto niyo.

Pero lahat ng mga motel experiences na naka-sulat, kwento lang sakin. ;) Chos.

A: What's so special with February? Aside from having this as my mother's birth month this month is nothing but another month. Please pretty please, help me understand what makes this month different from January and March and the other months? The heart shape balloons everywhere? The human size teddy bears on sale? What else? Is it because we are celebrating Chinese new year as well?

Oh well,February is really unusual aside from the fact that it only has 28 days sometimes 29 days, people regarded this month as the month of love, celebrating the COUPLES Holiday, the Valentines day, this day as well is like the National day of mourning for those who are brokenhearted, taken for granted and left behind by people who promised them FOREVER!

But, if you're to ask me? Nothing is so different about this month. It's not even that special. For graduating students, it means thesis time and for those people who are already on the verge of their stable jobs, its a month with no long weekends and less holidays!

In ancient times, February is about spending the entire month talking to your neighbor while your wife cuts down trees while flying fishes roam the skies.

2. Love yourself and not much the person that doesn't love you.

When I browse Facebook every February, I usually see people posting stuff such as "Oh, its February again! Heart heart heart!" or "Single again this V-day. When will you come my love?" (or the occasional "SINGLE AWARENESS DAY!! WOO!! SINGLES REJOICE"). It depends on what is your current relationship status. But here is a very straight-to-the-point-obvious-advice, try to prioritize yourself. Love yourself in other words. It's a common reaction to get busy for Feb. 14. You go about your life just trying to plan what you'll do on that day. Mostly applies to ones who are in a relationship since you want to make your other one feel special. But for the single ones, don't stress yourself out. Again, you are single, you want to talk about love, then love yourself. Don't talk about the past relationships you had or the wonderful Valentine's last year that you want to re-create. For couples, just make sure that you can make your love one feel - loved. You don't need to do that on top of Mt. Everest, be simple, be plain, but direct to the point.

P: a. Marunong ka ba mag-saing? Ako marunong.
b. Masarap ang French Fries sa Mcdo, lalo na kapag catsup ng Jollibee ang sawsawan.
k. Kunin ang handset sa Avaya. Hawakan ng dalawang kamay. Ilagay sa dibdib at yakapin. Damhin . ang pagkakataon. Lagyan ng facial expression, pumikit habang dinadama.
d. Gupitin ang kuko, ipunin. Ihalo sa Milo.

Ilang minutong therapy lang yan para makalimot sa pait ng pagka-bigo sa pag-ibig. Ilang linya din yan para humaba ang collaboration piece ko sa blog na ito.

Sa mga may pag-ibig sa darating na ika-14 ng Pebrero, happy new year muli sa inyo.

Sa mga iniwan, walang pumatol, o mga ipinagpalit para sa iba (na di mo rin alam paano nangyari), gugulin ang araw sa mga bagay na maglalayo ng isip mo sa pagiging bigo. Dahil sa palagay ko ay walang taong nasasaktan kapag hindi niya iniisip ang sakit. Ang unang 4 na letra sa seksyong ito ay makakatulong.

A: Common status on all social media networks on the first day of February would be "Time flies so fast, it's the first day of March." What's wrong with this people? Full of bitterness and all.

If you have been lied upon and used like a doormat, learn to walk out. Don't let those people find  the satisfaction in hurting you and making you cry. You ain't stupid right? Learn to value yourself and yourself alone. It may hurt for a while but you'll get over it. Trust me, no one died out of a broken heart(or else I might have been dead). It's better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel you're alone. It's better to end up with nothing rather than waiting for something that will never happen.

Save yourself before it's too late. Save yourself from drowning, learn how to swim! Love is never fair. At the end of the day you only have you and you alone. VALUE yourself. If you learn to do this you'll never run out of love and being alone won't scare the hell out of you! Check on what you have rather than what you don't have. You'll realize you're far more on a better road than some people! So stop acting like, being rejected is like the end of the world, coz its not. The only time it will end, is if you're already dead!

It is time we make #selfhug trend.

3. Flowers rot. Chocolates become shit. So mind your money.

This one is mainly for the doubles out there. I'll be honest, I'm not as romantic as I was before. I barely even try to make things romantic. I can point out a lot of things such as old experiences or just plainly running out of money (cheapskate!) but there is quite an obvious point to this - you don't need money to have a honey. While giving out flowers is sweet and handing out chocolates could probably make them visit the toilet later, love can be expressed more in a much better (and cheaper) way. You can go about writing a letter, or carving a message on a tree (use coconut to impress) or even by shouting to the world that you love him/her (you might be classified as crazy though). Just be creative and don't stick with the cliche tactics. Your partner would really appreciate the thoughtfulness that you have given and will probably win you a trip to wonderland (*wink*)! Unless she wants diamonds then you are screwed.

P: Bumili ka ng Teddy Bear, yung kulay puti. Di yun mabubulok o magiging ebak sa pang-matagalang panahon unless itanim mo sa lupa, o kakainin mo.

Kung pagiging creative din naman ang trip mo sa buhay, pwede kang bumili ng Pampers at ibigay yun sa kasintahan mo. Sa pag-tagal ng panahon at relasyon ninyong dalawa, pwede niyong gawing relationship goal ang pag-iisip ng matinong dahilan kung bakit 'yun ang naisip mong iregalo. Iba pang suhestyon ay ang mga sumusunod:

Vulca Seal, Kurtina, Hollowblocks, Sipilyo ng random na tao mula sa isang resort, Styro Cup mula sa isa sa mga customer ng paborito niyong kapehan, expired na toyo, tubig mula sa beach, stool kit, stool.

A: I love chocolates! I would love anyone who would give me one!

Flowers? I can't remember when was the last time I received a bouquet of roses on a Valentines day. I don't care though. I hate flowers, lol! You can't measure love with chocolates and flowers. The rule is simple, if you can't afford to buy gifts then don't. A walk in the park, watching the moon and stars would be a great date. If you can't afford to buy a bouquet of flowers, try to pick a flower from your mothers garden, that would be the sweetest. Remember girls would always appreciate efforts above gifts.

A sweet gift for Valentine's a.k.a. in the trash after a week.

4. Love is 24/7, not just 2/14.

This is probably my biggest grip of them all. Young me would always look for something extravagant to do on Valentine's, but as I grew I realized (and I think you know where I'm going with this), why do people always treat Feb. 14 a special day when they can just choose another day for that? "But it's Valentine's", bull. 2/14 is just another day so there's no need to stress yourself out. Love should be expressed every single day, not just on one day. Overall, just be the normal you without you being abnormal on one particular day (where most people are abnormal as well).

P: Mag-toothbrush ka araw-araw. Pre-requisite yan para sa mahabang relasyon. Miski bihira ka maligo, mag-toothbrush ka pa din. Sapat na ang maputing ngipin pamalit sa masamang budhi.

Sabado ang Feb 14, 2015. Hindi enjoy mag-sine dahil siguradong may nauna na sa KKK (Kataas-taasan Kadilim-dilimang, Kasuluk-sulukan) at posibleng walang ninjahang magaganap. Kung makiki-epal ka pa din sa Valentines Day, siguraduhin mo munang may kilala kang nagpapa-anak para di ka masyadong mahirapan pag-dating ng Nobyembre. 24/7 naman ang mga convenience store at may proteksyon sa halagang 38Php. Mag-ingat at manigong bagong taon.

A: Love. A very strong feeling that will drive you crazy if you don't know how to control it. Love, you should be feeling this everyday not just on a special day. Don't make people feel special on 2/14 and forget everything about it on 2/15.
May it be a new or an old relationship, it has always been important that you make the person you love feel special everyday. That should be your everyday goal. That should be included on your everyday agenda. Love like pain demands to be felt. 

This is how your calendar looks like. Not really sure if it is a calendar but you get the point.


P: Walang forever. Kung meron man, sa pila lang ng NBI at sa enrollment sa PUP ito matatagpuan. Paminsan-minsan ay nasa kahabaan din ito ng EDSA, mga bandang alas-sais kapag uwian na ng lahat.

Kung ano man ang trip mong gawin sa 14, bahala ka. Pera mo 'yan, malaki ka na.

A: Love has always been a two way process. Mutualism. It doesn't apply the law of survival of the fittest. If you want what you have to last then work hard, but make sure you have left something for yourself. Being in a relationship is not like a walk in the park, you would encounter humps, but then whats worth it doesn't come easy.

For those who will be celebrating 2/14 with their special someone, I should say congrats, happy heart and happy life, and for those who will be celebrating it alone, chill and relax, soon we'll find our own heart-heart and butterflies.

Honestly, how you run February 14 is up to you. All we are trying to say is to take things into perspective and don't get lost in the hype that is Valentine's Day. Yes, it is a special day, deep inside you want to do something and even we also have some thoughts about it. But always remember that the essence of love shouldn't be just in one particular day, it should be for the remaining days or time that you have. Don't squander your money to be romantic (unless you're filthy rich), go with the things that matter and that will truly show how much you love someone. And if you're single, hey, you still have your family, you still have your friends, I think your crush is still single so show them your love. Be thankful that you actually have a day to live by. With that being said, we hope you do not run stupid this Valentine's day because - you can always be stupid on another day. EVERY DAY CAN BE VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

Let's not try to pretend what this day is actually is for the majority.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Planner's Guide to Better Planning

Unofficially, I consider myself a planner. Not a notebook to write plans on but a plan-er, an architect of a particular party or event of sorts. I wasn't bestowed this title, but for some reason I'm the guy that everyone sets up to plan stuff. While I've been accustomed to this task, trust me, it is hard to plan a "plan". Why is that?
  1. People are lazy.
  2. People like to change their minds.
  3. People who ask you to plan would later dismiss your plan because it doesn't suit their taste.
  4. People don't like to have the stress of planning something but doesn't have the initiative to follow it.
  5. People are people (and yes you should buy new clothes I guess).
Through it all, I always take the burden of planning a concise plan only for my plan to be treated as trash. I USED BRAIN CELLS PEOPLE! I analyze stuff and expect my plan to push through (this is not a rant, okay maybe a little). But hey, I'm use to it. So for all you guys out there who wants to be a planner of your group or is "planning" to make a plan, here are my tips to be a successful planner:
Planner not needed.

1. Be engaged - First thing you need to do is step your foot and say "I AM IN CHARGE BITCHES!" (unless you are in a Christian group then just change the last word) You need to make the people realize that your plan is the ONLY plan that they will follow or hell will break lose (again if you are in a Christian group then use another biblical passage). It is important for people to understand that you are in command so that there won't be any confusion on who to follow. You need to be quite active about this because you are the heart and brain of this plan (and sometimes the liver if you plan to include alcohol). Without you, someone else would probably do the planning (and we don't want that) so man up and make sure this plan is good to go.

Yeah you the man in charge!

2. Get commitment - Before you plan the specifics of your event or outing, you need to make sure that everyone is on board. You may be the heart and brain of this operation, but a body wouldn't be complete without arms, legs, eyes and ears (including penis and vagina a.k.a. your horny friends). The approach could be different and would vary from each person in your group. You can try the personal approach (e.g. Hey man, I'll be planning our event next Saturday. I need you to support me on this or this plan will be fucked up. Don't make me hurt you.). Or you can go ahead and message them through text or online (e.g. Planing a party dis sat!!! Expecting every1 2 participate. Dont make me hurt u.) It's all about making them understand that you are the head dog in charge and they are expected to follow through.

3. Note all options, check all options - Now this is the crucial part. You need to know now what you are going to plan about (because you are the planner right?!). Mostly, planning is made for happenings such as an out of town trip or your birthday (because no one wants to surprise you on your birthday you poor thing). Options will vary as well depending on certain factors such as budget, time, and availability of people (unless you don't have friends then this wouldn't be a problem). For starters, ask people about what they think. As a planner, as much as you are the one doing the planning, you need to know the preferences of the people involved especially if it is an outing. List all their ideas (even if they suck) and once done, try to do some research about their suggestions. Most of it will be ignored anyways so let them feel involved. Once everything is settled, sort out which is the best option of them all and start working on it (which is of course, your preference).

Just like love, it is made of ocean water and offers tons of fishes.

4. Provide a systematic plan - If possible, use an Excel for this (if you are poor, paper and pen will do). First thing you need to work on is the agenda. Put some time frame for it. Let's say you'll start of 6AM and then allot an hour to wait for people. And then provide another time frame for the next thing you are going to to for the day up until your day ends:

     6:00AM-7:00AM       - Circle Time
     7:00AM-7:30AM       - Travel to Bus Station
     7:30AM-8:00AM       - Wait again for those lazy-ass losers
     8:00AM-8:10AM       - Contemplate on just going by yourself
     8:10AM-10:00AM     - Travel time to place
     10:00AM-10:01AM   - Receive a text saying they decided to go to another place
     10:01AM-End of day - Weep like a bitch

Next is the budget. You can't do stuff without money so it is important to make sure your cost is balanced. From breakfast to lunch to dinner, your fares and all additional costs should be accounted:

     Breakfast - PHP50.00
     Lunch - Ask some from friends
     Dinner - PHP20.00, and if possible ask some from friends
     Fare (Round trip) - PHP100.00, if friends won't lend money, walk
     Total: PHP170.00 and donations (SAVINGS!!!)

Once everything is settled, prepare for people to have some input. Some (and I mean almost all of them) would be late so you need to bump the circle time to 8AM and your friend's budget is short as well, so, good luck with that. Changing the plan is part of the job until you can finalize a perfect plan.

5. Have a Plan B - Of course, as hard as you plan, not all plans will push through. Especially with a friend who out of no where has an excuse emergency or a natural calamity has destroyed the venue that you are about to go to. You need to prepare yourself another plan. You mostly would go back to Step 3, look for the next best option, create a plan and go for it (which sadly is your other friend's plan).

6. Prepare for the worst - This is something that hits me a lot (and most likely to you too). As good as it is to have a Plan B, often times, there aren't even plans that can be push through at all. At times if a plan is cancelled, then the whole outing or party is cancelled. What's worst, they might go to another person's plan. You are left exhausted, unappreciated, which leads us to...

7. If #6 happens, don't plan anymore - Look, it is always nice to plan, but if nothing really pushes trough, then hey, just be a good scout and follow whatever plan is made. You may not like it, but at least there isn't that much pressure on you if everything goes haywire (and I know you'll be hoping for that).

Two is company, three is a crowd. Four is just pushing hard. Go home.

Being a planner is never easy. It takes a lot of toll on you and sometimes, no plans even transpire. But the important this is to try, push through with it, and learn from it so that your next plan would be awesome. Planning is a hit and miss, but anyone can be good at it. Heck, you can even make it as a career. Just remember that planning takes a lot of thinking. Never believe in the saying "that most plans that push through are not plans at all." That's #YOLO. So go and take all these tips to be a successful planner, who knows, it MIGHT just be good enough to be a success.

A more "magnificent" planner than you.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

5 *Realistic and Reachable* New Year's Resolution for 2015

It's already January 8. Good thing "make new year's resolution on time" is not on my new year's resolution.

New Year's resolutions are actually quite tricky. Year by year you are able to think of things you want to change in your life, and yet you still find yourself doing the same things all over again. If you are one of those people that can't seem to live by with the resolutions you make, chances are you're not trying anymore nowadays. Hey I can't blame you. Last time I wrote was still way back 2011 and even then the resolutions I made didn't make sense. So before 2014 ended, I thought to myself "Why do people keep making glorified resolutions when half of it they can't barely keep up?" "Why can't they just DO something that they THINK they can do?!" I still feel that its good to make new year's resolution, so after some meditating, here are the most realistic and reachable resolutions you can have for 2015:

Everyone in the world is messed-up in their own way. A change is something that we all need. Yeah, no excuses buddy.

1. Eating just the "enough" amount of food for you

Okay, I think you can agree on me on this one -- "FOOD IS LOVE". It's something that we can't easily avoid. If there is food that we want to eat, hey #YOLO, go ahead and eat whatever you want. But unless you have the metabolism of Superman, you're probably one those folks who have a big bun in front of you. Look, to say that you should diet is actually a 2nd Tier-level of commitment. So, if you're just a regular joe who's not yet ready to beast up, then just eat what is enough. Some people start off by limiting their rice (or any carbs you are really into). Drink more water as well to help you get full easily and stick more with fruits. If you feel that you're full, that's it. The important thing here is that you don't go beyond on what you're suppose to intake in a day. You're doing your body a huge favor and probably by due time you can go and fulfill the diet you usually tell yourself that you can accomplish (oh you big fat liar you).

2. Do physical activities regularly

Sex. Yeah there I said it. Do as much sex as you like (unless you are still studying or below the right age then no, stop reading this blog and go read a book or something). Okay, to explain this R-18 resolution, its not more of the sex, its about doing physical activities (and I think you can agree that it is -- unless you're still a virgin then I suggest you watch a video or something). To eat properly is right, but it is important for our body to sweat from time to time. Play sports, go exercise, lift weights, do some gardening, clean your house, be late from time to time so that you'll have the need to run to work, just do make sure that you can do physical activities to trim down the big bun in front of you. Every one knows that an exercise here and there is good for the body. It's either you work your ass off or you die young. And no, to sweat under the sun isn't counted, so go out there MOVE!!! 

3. Save a specific amount of money

When you usually say "I'm going to save up money for next year.", it only gives you a reason to make excuses such us "I don't really know how much I'll save so I'll just spend money for the mean time." The idea here is "to have a goal". If you aren't that particular with your expenses, then it's time to have a certain purpose. Now, it can mean a lot of things. You might want to save up for the future or you might want to save up for a particular event or gadget. Whatever it is, always have a certain goal so that you'll have a certain amount of money to save up. It could be the hundreds, thousands or millions but whatever you may be earning now, work around on your budget and achieve that goal. It gives you a better perspective then just to say "I'll save up money". I can say I'll save a cat from the tree, but I can always say I'll do it tomorrow right? DO IT TODAY! Save 10,000 cats!!!

4. Learn or develop something new

Humans are pieces of meat that has infinite capabilities of doing extraordinary things. Since little children we have been taught a lot of things up until we grew up to being adults. But most of us stop learning from there. Most teachers limit themselves to teacher things, nurses to nursing things, carpenters to carpenter things, porn stars to... porn things. You get the point. We can't just limit ourselves in a particular type, we need to grow, develop new things. If you're a police, hey, try to learn potting and who knows, you can now make pots that you can use for target practice. If you're a doctor and you want to dance gracefully then go ahead, learn ballet and tip toe yourself around the busy hallways of the hospital. Again, develop something within you. Learn something new. Go to Youtube or read whatever, just don't be you forever. Be a much better and talented you!

5. Motivate yourself to be a better you

At this point, you might have realized that the resolution above are something basic and you can still add up on it. True, you can always make your own set of resolutions for the new year. Like I said earlier, it's easy to make one but it's quite challenging to do. But all of those talk about changing and doing things won't really be possible if you don't push yourself in actually doing it. You need to find it in you to motivate yourself in actually seeking that change in your life because plans can be cancelled and ignored. This is actually the hardest part and something not on most people's resolution list. Mind you, this is not a goal but a mindset. If you can motivate yourself, you can do anything (well not really anything but you can now accomplish your new year's resolution).

A good friend of mind pointed out that you can always deny yourself with the changes that you want, eating right, losing weight, improving yourself, it tends to be easy. But when you surpass the doubts, the mountains that you need to climb, then by the end of this year you can pretty much say that "Wow, resolutions actually work!" Yeah it does. We just live with procrastinating lazy people. Which in a way is okay since the world has always been like that. But we only have one life, and at some point we are just going to be dirt. Might as well be an amazing dirt right? So there, those are the realistic and reachable new year's resolution that you can set for 2015. It guarantees result because c'mon, its as basic as it gets. Whatever happens to you by the end of this year, just promise yourself that you are going to try, and who knows, you MIGHT just become a somebody. Happy New Year you future dirt you!

We can always start fresh anytime. But hey, January is usually the best time I guess.