Before anything else I would like to say that is GOOD TO BE BACK! Damn it has been a while since the last time I blog. I do plan to start blogging in a constant basis next year as I feel like I have a lot of unexpressed ideas. I will probably post about it and some plans I have in mind before the year ends and hopefully everything pushes through. I do miss blogging, but writer's block has been a common issue for me before so it's nothing new.
So going back to the regular schedule, we are only one day away from Christmas. Looking back, I've only made 2-3 posts about Christmas (and one of those is about being heart-broken, pffft). I want to write something meaningful and with depth about Christmas that after some thoughtful reflections (and after reading a few Christmas articles), I realized that "Hey, I am practically a walking Christmas topic, why don't I talk about myself?" And shall I did. Unbeknownst to some of you, I wasn't given the name Noel just so I will be named Noel. Noel actually means "born in Christmas" and yeah you might have guessed it, I was born on Christmas day. Now, I don't want to go to the biblical history of December 25 nor the other implications that it shouldn't be the holiday that we know today. Let's just stick with the story and go along with it (because at this point in history no one cares to change it).
Anyways, tomorrow is going to be my 24th birthday. Pretty much that is 24 years of my life celebrating Christmas and my birthday at the same day. As a kid, its always a kicker whenever someone finds out that I was born on Christmas. "Wow! You were born on Christmas? Sweet!" Now, a lot of people are born on particular holidays, but there is always something special whenever your birth date says December 25 or as what I call Christmas-born. Being delivered on this day isn't that rare as well, a lot of people are born on Christmas and yet are just regular joes. But as a Noel "Born in Christmas" person, I want to share with you all what it's like to be born in Christmas. So here are five things that you will most likely experience if you were born on Christmas:
Hitting two birds with one special stone
1. You only get one special day - As a particular year starts, most people look forward for their birthday. Some, especially when its the "-ber" months, look forward for Christmas. Some, which pretty much is everyone, looks forward for both. See, most people have two special days to look forward to (unless you don't believe in Christmas and don't care about life) while us Christmas-born only have one special day to look forward to (unless we declare a day special in which I think we can). And as we all know, when its your birthday or Christmas, there is one thing that is usually common which brings us to...
2. Gifts. You don't get that much. - A lot of people say that Christmas-born people are the most convenient and money-saving people to give gifts to. Why? It's because all you need to do is get that person one gift. Now, I often hear these from people saying "Well you might only get a few gifts but it is open very special right?" While that might be the case, I've only experience that from my tito who gives me 1,000 pesos while my cousins get 500 bucks. But they get 500 bucks on their birthdays so it is more of fair play. Nothing really special and the rest gives me just regular gifts. I am appreciative with whatever I get but yeah, gifts don't often come along that much. There's no "Hey, this is the only thing I got for your birthday, I'll make it up to you on Christmas" and vice versa. You only have one day, you only get one gift (if they want to).
3. People tend to forget its your birthday. Sorry. - Look, majority of Earth's population is vastly celebrating on December 25. Everyone is with their family, friends and whoever you get to dance with on bars open for Christmas. Christmas-born people are usually with a particular group which is either family or friends so most likely you'll only be greeted by the people you are with, unless people remember you. And got to say, thanks to Facebook people have the chance to greet you on your special day. But here's the sad part. Unless you were the class jock or clown back in college, there's a huge chance they won't even give a shit to greet you even if you're name is on the today's birthday. But it's okay, they are not oblige to greet you. People are busy, they are out their celebrating and that's reality. On top of that, this day isn't really totally about you...
4. Its about the birth of Jesus, its about Christmas not yours. - Unless you are not a Catholic and doesn't believe in our Lord Jesus Christ (well most likely you wouldn't really care about Christmas), then you have to take a backseat to the big guy above us. As what I mentioned earlier, I don't want to go biblical if 12/25 is really Christmas or not. I believe it is so and that's it. He is the First Noel. He is the reason why we celebrate Christmas. On top of that, people use the imagery of Santa Claus and not yours (St. Nick, errr, yeah, he did something). It is essential to understand that though the special day is overshadowed, it is still special day to share it with Jesus. So I guess that going well for us Christmas-born people which is nice. Best of all, we get to...
5. You get the chance to make that day special for everyone - Christmas-born are often unsung heroes for the holiday season because everyone looks at you as a living, breathing representation of Santa Claus (especially when you're fat). You are often given the task to hand out small gifts to every one and though it might seem like a chore, isn't it the point of Christmas? Two years ago I decided to be a Santa Clause to my family using my own resources. Though I went with the assorted "perfume" gifts, it felt special because for a kid that used to complain about only getting few gifts, it means a lot to give some. It's not about what you get, its how about the smiles that you get from people (and the fake smiles because you gave them a pack of candies. Who gives pack of candies on Christmas? It's not Halloween).
Being born on Christmas day may depend on someone, Might be a good or bad thing, just a toss coin. But the most important thing to remember is to celebrate Christmas and what it is all about. You can be born in any day as long as you learn to give to others without looking for anything in return. As what an old song says, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and I don't care who you are, Christmas is also the most wonderful time to be born. :)